суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ebay auction creator software

10 things I could say to 10 different people right now

- I am actually sorry I canapos;t make your Para-ness I really donapos;t want you to feel snubbed by me THESE DAYS or something. Not that it probably matters to you Itapos;s just that Iapos;m still REALLY BAD at planning. Anything. Ever. I STILL THINK YOUapos;RE AWESOME (I wonder who that could be for HEY MAX?)
- Come on, cheer up. YOUapos;RE AWESOME (This probably applies to mostly everybody.)
- Iapos;m sorry Iapos;ve not seen much of you lately LETapos;S MEET UP, BITCH. YOUapos;RE AWESOME (This applies to everybody, unless Iapos;ve seen them in the last week. Or have never actually met them. Although it does apply to Cait.)
- YOUapos;RE NOT FUCKING AWESOME >:0 (This applies to anyone who isnapos;t awesome)
- Oh dear (This is currently my standard response to most things, therefore I could AND WILL say it to 10 different people)
- LET IT GO (a fair few blokes, really...)
- PLEASE DONapos;T LET IT GO. (To anyone who SHOULDNapos;T apos;let it goapos; uh...itapos;s is a song title inspired private joke. I give up explaining anything more. Productive ANGST, food, small dogs, free balloons...itapos;s all included here)
- SORRY (Something I should probably say to everybody at one point but probably never will)
- ...what? (As in - what the fuck are you talking about?)
- ...what? (As in - my hearing seems to be really bad)

9 things about myself

- Why? Just get to know me you lazy sods :p

8 ways to win my heart

- You donapos;t want it. Seriously It keeps malfunctioning or something. Like a faulty engine Probably need to buy one off the black market soon D:
- This wasnapos;t meant literally, was it?
- What the hell do you mean apos;WINapos; anyway? Treating me like some sort of raffle prize certainly wonapos;t make me like you
- But if I overlook that SLIGHTLY MASSIVE BLUNDER Iapos;d say...
- Be yourself.
- Be honest.
- This cannot and will not guarantee apos;romantic successapos; but Iapos;ll be friends with you. Iapos;m nice like that <3
- Serious Note: A healthy respect understanding for Jack Daniels. This is actually very hard to find.

7 things that cross my mind a lot

- Yawn
- Oh no, not again
- I really should have written some music for Bradley by now...
- I forgot to *important activities go here*
- What a shame.

6 Things I do before I fall asleep

- If itapos;s planned then think "my sleeping patterns are clearly non-existent, oh woes"
- If not: just drop.
- Forget to sort out everything I wanted sorting out.
- Listen to music.
- Rotate AT LEAST 650 times.
- Swear because rotating has caused me to need a piss and tangled up headphones.

5 People who mean a lot to me


4 things I am wearing right now

- Knee high socks, as usual, due to rubbish knees. MY MOSHED UP KNEE WONapos;T FUCKING HEAL >:0 Thatapos;s a fact you all wanted to know. I KNOW IT.
- Baggy blue jeans. Iapos;m not sure theyapos;re meant to be baggy...
- Very gay coloured top (magenta?) rubbish black/grey hoodie THING.
- Gingerness AND/OR a gay (...again) polka dot black white scarf mum found for me without realising I was in the middle of a Great Scarf Crisis Is that some crazy hippy mother magic or what?

3 songs I listen to a lot

ONLY 3? FUCK OFF Well, Iapos;ll try. Iapos;ll go by whatapos;s played most on my WALKMAN PHONE (tm) at the moment...

- The 69 Eyes - Lost Boys (Are we starting to sense a theme between this the last post? >_> This wins because itapos;s my ringtone XD)
- RHCP - Especially In Michigan. (Itapos;s just super happy retarded)
- Hardcore Superstar - We Donapos;t Celebrate Sundays. (This has recently replaced my Megadeth apos;Peace Sellsapos; fixation)

2 things I want to do before I die

- See it coming.
- Not fuck up the sporadic awesomeness of life by thinking about it in these linear terms. Or something along those lines. GREAT INJUSTICE.

1 Confession

- It was me wot made Derby Westfield Centre smell like microwave popcorn today. I didnapos;t expect it to get into the bloody ventilation system and circulate
ebay auction creator software, ebay auction danielle steel, ebay auction design.

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