понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

congregational ministers

It happens without warning. Where there was nothing, now there is something. Some things. Quite a few somethings. One of these somethings is large building made of stone. Donapos;t look at it for too long--if the sheer size of it doesnapos;t boggle your mind, the fact that some of the architecture looks impossible will. On the south side of the building--for the sake of argument, letapos;s call it a temple--there is a large lake that looks man-made.

Though the temple seems to be in the middle of the city, there are no standing buildings within a half mile-wide radius of it. The large town looks like a twisted forest surrounding a watchtower. Even in what is now the town proper, some buildings are no longer standing.

Moving through the town and around the temple are vampires and demons, none of which look very pleased with their new location. That will likely change when they realize where theyapos;ve ended up.

So, whatapos;re you waiting for?�Thereapos;ve got to be some survivors in there, right?

american+flag, congregational ministers, congregational nursing, congregational prayer.

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